(The Hill) — Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) said she’s gotten pushback on making lawmakers reimburse taxpayers because “some people can’t afford it.” She countered that lawmakers…
(The Washington Post) — Here’s a round-up of what the bill could mean for education. 1. It’s good for Hillsdale College (and others, too); 2. It’s good…
(The New York Times) — “The political news cycle is fast, and keeping up can be overwhelming. Trying to find differing perspectives worth your time…
(HuffPost – Politics) — “The business of counting Americans isn’t glamorous, Lowenthal said. But she said that doing it well was crucial to ensuring the…
(CNN) — “. . . questions about Kushner signal that Mueller’s investigators are reaching the President’s inner circle and have extended beyond the 2016 campaign…
(Quartz) — “. . . the CFPB has filed dozens of judgements resulting in 29 million US consumers getting back $11.9 billion in unfair fees…
(The Wall Street Journal – Opinion) — “Labour, along with Europe’s other Socialist parties and America’s Democrats, bring to that knife fight the gun of…
“. . . state officials said, they had discovered a total of 384 misassigned voters between the two House districts. But over the weekend, state…
(Associated Press) — “Both sides would have to make concessions that may upset partisans in either party. Just as House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., fears…
(The New York Times) — Democratic leaders in Washington have been criticized for lacking a message that voters can embrace. They have been disparaged as…