(The New York Times) — Spencer Sleyon, a 22-year-old rapper and producer from East Harlem, and his friends were going around the room in October,…
New York Times Columnist, David Brooks — “And so, to me, the big test of this is that, sure, if he [Roy Moore] wins, the…
(CHICAGO) — Former President Barack Obama says Americans must be vigilant in their defense of democracy or risk following the path of Nazi Germany in…
(ThinkProgressive) — “We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan…
(Tribune News Services) — “Tacked onto the Senate bill is a section, Title II, which opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas…
(Roll Call) — “Something has to change. The middle class is shrinking and this is our last chance. This is the bottom of the ninth…
(CNN) — “Rep. Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, said: “Republicans need to take responsibility. We’ll see what happens.” It’s three days until a potential government…
No man can serve two masters, the Bible teaches, but Mike Pence is giving it his all. It’s a sweltering September afternoon in Anderson, Indiana,…
(The New York Times) — WASHINGTON — A Republican requirement that Congress consider the full cost of major legislation threatened to derail the party’s $1.5…
(The New York Times) — “The number of male candidates has also increased, so the proportion of female candidates has not ballooned. But many of…