
New Maps, New Opportunities: Running for Office in VA


Monday, Jan 10th at 7pm New Maps, New Opportunities: Running for Office in VA Join local advocates and future-forward thinkers to learn how to run for office in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Register:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvc-2tpzspE9NpX-82m6zykG3ewy7HWs_R?fbclid=IwAR3Cep6HsoXSbeHidli8qh5Aikk2WL4xrnqC8XUDGPcZb9SNtLbomFBUt9Y The new legislative maps open up opportunities for new leadership and vision for the Commonwealth. This training will cover the basics […]

Fairfax County School Board Meeting

Luther Jackson Middle School 3020 Gallows Rd, Fall Church, VA

Fairfax County School Board Meeting 3020 Gallows Rd, Falls Church Attend the public testimony portion of the School Board meeting on Dec 16th to support LGBTQIA+ students, minorities and School Board members. FCPS Link: https://www.fcps.edu/node/43732

Teaching Truth: Putting Students First


A teach-in to counter the baseless claims of anti-CRT politics and reinforce the importance of teaching inclusive history. Register: https://onrealm.org/UUCF/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=YTQ4YjhkOTYtYjA0NS00N2Q5LWJlZTMtYWRmOTAxNTM5OGE4

Fairfax County School Board Meeting

Luther Jackson Middle School 3020 Gallows Rd, Fall Church, VA

Fairfax County School Board Meeting 3020 Gallows Rd, Falls Church Attend the public testimony portion of the School Board meeting on Jan 27th to support students and School Board members. Register to Speak at Jan 27th Meeting: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ivN9YIJeuu3kHRYX_ilq2SRNHFwhGMfIYzazmpsEYX8/viewform?edit_requested=true

2022 NOPE Neighbors Kick-Off Meeting w/ Keynote Speaker Senator Raphael Warnock

Join NOPE by Zoom on February 7 at 7 pm to kick off our midterm campaign season with Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA). RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/nope/event/430738/ Senator Reverend Warnock will speak with us about his reelection race and share his views on how we can protect our democracy in what will undoubtedly be a year where the […]

Canvass in Stafford County with Team Spanberger!

Stafford County VA, United States

Abigail Spanberger needs help gathering petition signatures to get on the ballot in VA CD07. Petition Signature Canvass for Abigail Spanberger (Stafford County) RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/spanbergerforcongress/event/436914/

Dulles Area Dems Breakfast (Supervisor Walter Alcorn)

Amphora Diner

Monday, Feb 21 at 7:30am Dulles Area Dems Breakfast w/ Guest Speaker Supervisor Walter Alcorn Amphora Diner in Herndon RSVP: secure.actblue.com/donate/februrary2022breakfast