
Jennifer Boysko GOTV Dry Run (Herndon, VA)

Herndon, VA 20171 This event’s address is private. Sign up for more details. Please join the Jennifer Boysko campaign for our first GOTV dry run in making sure that every Democrat, in Virginia's 33rd Senate District, gets out and votes on January 8th! We will be providing canvassing training at our events. RSVP:  https://events.mobilizeamerica.io/boyskoforstatesenate/event/86629/

Jennifer Boysko GOTV Dry Run (Herndon, VA)

Herndon, VA 20171 This event’s address is private. Sign up for more details. Please join the Jennifer Boysko campaign for our first GOTV dry run in making sure that every Democrat, in Virginia’s 33rd Senate District, gets out and votes on January 8th! We will be providing canvassing training at our events. RSVP:  https://events.mobilizeamerica.io/boyskoforstatesenate/event/86629/

Indivisible Day of Action: HRI for House Resolution 1

US Capitol Building Washington, DC

January 3rd Day of Action:https://indivisible.org/resource/indivisible-states-introduction Whose House? Our House. On January 3, we take what Trump and Republicans prioritized for the first two years -- gutting healthcare, deregulating Wall Street, criminalizing immigrants and refugees -- and flip it on its axis. So in the first 100 days, we want to show our power as Indivisibles […]

Jennifer Boysko GOTV Day 1 (Herndon, VA)

Time is running out! We have one shot to #KeepSD33 by electing Del. Jennifer Boyko to the State Senate. The road to a democratic majority in Virginia's General Assembly starts January 8th. Sign up for as many GOTV shifts as you can to make sure that we elect Del. Jennifer Boysko to Virginia's 33rd State […]

Jennifer Boysko GOTV Day 2 (Herndon, VA)

Time is running out! We have one shot to #KeepSD33 by electing Del. Jennifer Boyko to the State Senate. The road to a democratic majority in Virginia's General Assembly starts January 8th. Sign up for as many GOTV shifts as you can to make sure that we elect Del. Jennifer Boysko to Virginia's 33rd State […]

Jennifer Boysko GOTV Day 3 (Herndon, VA)

Time is running out! We have one shot to #KeepSD33 by electing Del. Jennifer Boyko to the State Senate. The road to a democratic majority in Virginia's General Assembly starts January 8th. Sign up for as many GOTV shifts as you can to make sure that we elect Del. Jennifer Boysko to Virginia's 33rd State […]