#DEFUND HATE Week of Action

We stand with immigrants. It’s time to demand our Members of Congress Defund Hate, which is why we’re proudly part of the Defund Hate Coalition. The key to fighting detention, raids and family separation is by defunding them through the congressional appropriations process. The good news is, there is something we can do about it. We’ve seen again and again when Indivisibles (in collaboration with other progressive partners) take action and use our nationally coordinated voice, we can make an impact.

That’s why we’re showing up for a Week of Action September 9th – 13th. On September 9th, Members of Congress (MoCs)  return from recess, so they need to be hearing from their constituents immediately. At the suggestion of Indivisible leaders, there will be a national call in day on that day, September 9th and a crescendo between  then and  September 13th when Indivisible across the country will show up at their district office visits.


Monday 9/9/2019:  Help drive as many calls to as many MoC offices as possible!

Call 1-844-909-0232 ; You will get a suggested script and will be connected to your member of congress  And share by tweet/FB/email/conversation that you want the ICE and CBP budget to be zeroed out (#DefundHate)

Tuesday 9/10/2019:  Uplift the Communities fighting against ICE Elevate the messages and voices of parties and allies within the coalition, and build a wave of support.Retweet Tweets from communities fighting for immigration protections;  add

#DEFUNDHATE hashtag and @IndivisibleTeam @HR_Indivisible @resistwriter

Wednesday 9/11/2019Post your own statement about Immigration Communicate our values in this campaign, and put human stories to the larger crisis, to help bring new people into our fight.

  • Speak to your own connection to the issue (as a parent, an immigrant, a teacher, a voter…)
  • Center the stories of those directly impacted
  • Keep your message simple and speak from the heart

Thursday 9/12/2019: Engaging Presidential Candidates

Make this an issue for presidential candidates on the debate stage in Houston, and throughout the race. 

  • Ask candidates to talk about it during the debate. If you don’t hear them talk about it, let them know! 
  • Keep posting with #DefundHate

Friday 9/13/2019:  National day of action 

Double Header – Let ICE know – they are abysmal failures and then go to the Capitol.  We are bringing Letters to spell #DEFUND HATE

  1.  Sign-Up: HRIndivsible Event, Defund Hate Day of Action
  2. Meet at Wiehle Metro (leaving at 11:00 so come before then)
  3. 11:30 Changing trains at East Falls Church to Dunn Loring
  4. 12Noon for Photo Op and “in their face” sign holding in front of the ICE local office in Dunn Loring
  5. Lunch at local place
  6. 1:30 – Dunn Loring Metro for Downtown
  7. 2:00 at Capitol South Metro – walk to Capitol and stand with letters
  8. Stop at Gerry Connolly & Jennifer Wexton’s offices and leave letters (write one if you want; we will have an official HRI Resistance Writers Letter)

Goal: Get wall-to-wall coverage for all of the on-the-ground actions and events! 

● Post before, during and after your event to make folks feel part of the action 

● Tag your MoCs throughout the day  ● Use #DefundHate, and give virtual high-fives to other Indivisibles taking action!