(ABC NEWS) — “Migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. are sent to detention centers where they are given a “credible fear interview,” a battery of questions to determine if they would face persecution back home.”

Upward of 100 people from Central America who traveled north in a so-called “migrant caravan” to seek asylum in the United States are waking up on the Mexican side of the border this morning.

Organizers of the group told ABC News that there are about 100 people sleeping outside a port of entry in San Diego. They spent the night on threadbare blankets and mats on concrete ground.

The caravan that started in Honduras and traveled through Central America and Mexico for weeks is now stopped at the San Ysidro port of entry after arriving on Sunday.

As of Monday morning, none of the travelers have been processed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Click to continue reading. By Meghan Keneally – Apr 30, 2018