Some things are always worth reposting. “Apparently hope springs eternal and Robert Reich thinks a Trumpite might listen to reason.” By ursulafaw · Monday · Jun 26, 2017 

Former Labor Secretary and political pundit Robert Reich apparently believes that the unteachable can in fact be taught or that the unconvinceable can somehow be convinced. If you agree, then you may want to print out a copy of Reich’s Facebook post and put it in your wallet, so that you have ammunition for your next encounter with a Trumpite. Here are a few jewels from Reich’s collection: “NEXT TIME YOU GET INTO A LITTLE SQUABBLE WITH A TRUMP VOTER, BRING THIS INTO THE CONVERSATION: Reich admonishes before sailing into it:  Click to continue reading this article.

Donald Trump is both the liar-in-chief and the projector-in-chief and anyone who still supports Trump at this stage in the game is irredeemably stupid, let alone deplorable. However, if you’re still up for it and want to actually confront a Trumpite, here is Reich’s complete list. Knock yourself out.